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Dr. Kenji Tanaka

Former Project
Gain Metamaterials

Short CV
Dr. Kenji Tanaka received his Msc (2002) and Ph.D (2004) from the University of Tokyo (Japan) in the field of near-field optics. In 2004, he jointed Sony Corporation in Japan, where he has been involved in the research and development of holographic optical data storage technology. In August 2009 he joined the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton as a visiting researcher. His research interests included metamaterials and nanophotonics at that time.

Joint Articles

  1. A combinatorial approach to metamaterials discovery
    E. Plum, K. Tanaka, W. T. Chen, V. A. Fedotov, D. P. Tsai, N. I. Zheludev
    J. Opt. 13, 055102 (2011) doi: 10.1088/2040-8978/13/5/055102

    [selected to be part of Journal of Optics Highlights of 2011]
  2. Multifold enhancement of quantum dot luminescence in plasmonic metamaterials
    K. Tanaka, E. Plum, J. Y. Ou, T. Uchino, and N. I. Zheludev
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 227403 (2010) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.227403 - pdf

Joint Conference Contributions

  1. (invited) Metamaterials: novel functionalities and meta-molecular interactions
    E. Plum, J. Y. Ou, K. Tanaka, G. Adamo, A. Nikolaenko, and N. I. Zheludev
    UKIERI Workshop, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, 14 - 16 Apr 2011
  2. Multi-fold quantum dot luminescence enhancement in a plasmonic metamaterial
    K. Tanaka, E. Plum, J. Y. Ou, T. Uchino, and N. I. Zheludev
    NANOMETA 2011, Seefeld, Austria, 3-6 Jan 2011
  3. (poster) A combinatorial approach to metamaterials discovery
    E. Plum, K. Tanaka, W. T. Chen, V. A. Fedotov, D. P. Tsai, and N.I. Zheludev; [presenter: E. T. F. Rogers]
    Metamaterials'2010, Karlsruhe, Germany, 13 - 16 Sep 2010